FİRE - Buşra Tunç / Madde Emek Estetik

MATTER LABOUR AESTHETICS series, which deals with the processes of production, consumption and the transformation of material as a result, consists of two separate exhibitions. FIRE and THINGS present the artistic research and productions of Buşra Tunç and Pınar Akkurt, respectively, in a conceptual connection in two different spaces.

FiRE (Buşra Tunç) is concerned with the wastes and wastes that arise during the production process, while focusing on the transformation processes that materials undergo, investigating the aesthetics of 'error', the unthought-of possibilities of the material and the losses that come with it. THINGS (Pınar Akkurt) deals with ready-to-consume products that complete the mass production process and are released to the market. Akkurt, on the one hand, purifies objects from their functions, on the other hand, by giving them new forms, she explores new possibilities of material, perception and signification.

FİRE (tr- outage)

This study questions the nature and journey of scrap by revealing the unusable parts that break away from the raw material for the material to take the form of the object it is transformed into, but cannot be transformed into a product due to production errors. The main motivation for this research is to examine where the "scrap" goes, in which production cycles it is re-incorporated, how it creates its economy and sociology, and the idea of invisible labor, interrupted time and lost matter.
This work shows fragments from the production processes of a medium-scale mass-producing industrial complex that Tunç approached as an excavation site. The ground floor of the exhibition space is set up as a production hall where an injection molding machine is in operation. The video content includes fragments from the processes such as raw material procurement, injection, and molding during the operation of the machine. The production waste placed in the circulation area of the space and the rubber waste poured onto a construction in the center of the main floor are examples of the bulky materials Tunç uses in her works to question the normative contexts and functions that determine our daily lives.

Buşra Tunç
The concept of "Atmosphere" constitutes the focal point in the works of architect and artist Buşra Tunç, who produces works focused on perception and experience in space. Tunç's atmospheres design the viewer's relationship with space directly as an element of the work and are based on experience. The artist, who deals with space and time with an integrated approach, brings together light, sound and material based on a fiction that transform, has a memory and lets the body in. Industrial and everyday materials used outside their function, optical units that change the scale and analog instruments that exhibit digital appearances are the main elements that stand out throughout the works. The materials used often contain traces, remnants and memories from industrial spaces and crowded cities, and when they are reconstructed in different fictions, they still carry these traces.

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